Brain Like Thinking Computers – The End of Moore’s Law

How: Brain-like, or neuromorphic, computers –  Neurogrid, one of the first truly neuromorphic computers.

For five decades, Moore’s law held up pretty well: Roughly every two years, the number of transistors one could fit on a chip doubled, all while costs steadily declined. Today, however, transistors and other electronic components are so small they’re beginning to bump up against fundamental physical limits on their size. Moore’s law has reached its end, and it’s going to take something different to meet the need for computing that is ever faster, cheaper and more efficient.

Read the article.

How to build neuromorphic computers that directly mimic in silicon what the brain does in flesh and blood…

Source: TechXplore

Neurofeedback training gadgets, do they work? [video]

Judging by this great little video titled – Experiments in Mind Control for Health with Neurofeedback, the future is looking bright. You can read more about Larry Berkelhammer on his official website.

Pulled straight from Larry Berkelhammer’s YouTube page the description reads:

“In this discussion with Dr. Erik Peper, we explore the frontier of psychophysiological self-regulation. To read more click here.

NeuroHeli: Flying buddy 2: The future of brain wave controlled toys.

Emotiv:AR Drone:wheel chair

Developed by research students at Zheijiang University in Hangzhou, China, the quad-rotor helicopter called the “Flying buddy 2” has certainly made a impression in this weeks blog’o’sphere. Continue reading

Neurowear Necomimi for sale.

Neurowear’s Necomimi has arrived in the UK and is available to purchase from our online store at

Show the world what’s really on your mind and impress your friends with some of the most advanced brainwave technology available! Necomimi’s cat-like….. Read the full article here

Brain Bats: Mind-Controlled Pong

Check out this brilliant video by Brain Bats: Learning to play Pong with your mind. It’s another great innovation using the NeuroSky MindWave and an Arduino LOL shield.

The game was developed on a LOL shield, a charlieplexed LED matrix for the Arduino, before the display was ramped up to what you see in the video. The LEDs are individually addressable, so you can use it to display anything in a 9×14 grid. Scroll text, play games, display images, or anything else you want to do.

To watch the video and read the full article click here.

Neurowear’s Necomimi European Debut Imminent.

Wow, after a very long break I’m happy to announce that Neurowear’s Necomimi will finally be arriving in Europe and the UK.

Hopefully they will be available to UK stores in the next couple of weeks, so watch this space…. more importantly if you are looking to buy brainwave / mind-controlled toys such as the Mattel Mindflex, Neurowear’s Necomimi, Continue reading

Neurowear’s Necomimi UK Launch: Gadget Show Live 2012

So excited to be going to the Gadget Show Live next week, the event is the UK’s most popular gadget and technology event. So much so that the organisers have extended the event to run over 5 days from the 11th -15th of April.

I am really looking forward to meeting the folk from NeuroSky and trying out the consumer version of the Neurowear’s Necomimi for the first time. Anyone who’s been following Brain -Computer Interface technology and thought controlled products will have surely heard of Neurowear and their fantastic anime product; the Necomimi. (Derived from the word Nekomimi which means cat ears in Japanese) Continue reading

Does it actually work? 3 Neuroscientists test the Mindflex

I’ve come across a fair bit of scepticism about NeuroSky, it’s associated products and whether or not they actually work as intended.

The video below is a review of the Mindflex by 3 neuroscientists, from their preliminary testing they seem impressed by the device and try several different methods to trick the Mindflex into working without any success. I think the video below is pretty good proof that the Mindflex toy and it’s neuroheadset does provide neurofeedback using EEG. Continue reading

A voyage inside the brain to implant an electrode

I suscribe to and this morning I received this simply amazing video about the brain and it’s disorders, more specifically about Neural Implants and how they can palliate (make less severe) the degenerative process of Parkinson’s disease, among other things.

Continue reading

Nange Magro’s Mechapolypse; the mind-controlled dress that changes shape

I just spoke to Nange Magro about her brilliant new innnovation in Brain-Computer Interface fashion, the Mechapolypse. A mind-controlled dress that changes shaped depending upon your levels of concentration.
This is the first Brain-Computer Interface clothing/fashion item we’ve seen since Neurowear’s Necomimi, which is due to launch in the UK in just 2 weeks at the The Gadget Show Live, Birmingham NEC, 11-15 April 2012.  Continue reading